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Latest Comet Versions

You can find in this page what's the latest Comet server versions you can use for deployment

  • Frontend version: 5.65.7
  • Backend version: 3.8.19
  • Optimizer version: 2.0.26

Linux deployments

If you have a Linux deployment, those versions are available via Comet yum/apt repository

Helm / Kubernetes deployment

In case you have Helm deployment, the default versions in values.yaml are updated but if you pin versions on your local values.yaml you can update the following variables

  backendVersion: "3.8.19"

  frontendVersion: "5.65.7"

  version: "2.0.26"

Check your current version

  • Backend:
    You can reach and that will give you what backend version you're running.

  • Frontend:
    You can check the frontend version by clicking your username and checking the last line of the dropdown menu

Feb. 9, 2024