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Manage account settings

This is a test

The Account Settings page lets you view and manage:

  • User profile
  • API keys
  • Notifications
  • Workspaces


The instructions on this page relate to the UI that is available in on-premises deployments only. They will be forthcoming shortly in Cloud deployments, too. Meanwhile, to perform these steps in Cloud deployments, see Comet's earlier version of the docs.

To access settings, click your avatar in the top-right corner of the Comet page, then select Account settings.

User profile

User profile

This tab displays user profile information.

You can also update your avatar image here: click the existing image, then click Edit, then click Upload Profile Picture.

API keys

API keys

This tab displays information related to API keys:

  • You can view the full API key and copy it to the clipboard.
  • You can generate a new API key, for instance, for security purposes. Click Generate new API key.


You can have only one API key at any time, so by generating a new API key, the current key is deleted. If you have any Experiments currently started with your old API key, Comet will stop collecting information from that run. The old API key will no longer be valid, so be sure to update it anywhere you have it.



Here, select the areas of Comet for which you wish to receive email notifications.

If you select Experiment notifications, Comet sends you an email notification at the conclusion of every Experiment run.



This tab displays the workspaces of which you are a member. Use this tab to:

  • Create workspaces.
  • Invite others to become members of your workspaces.
  • Mark a workspace as the default workspace.
  • Delete a workspace.
  • Remove members from a workspace.
Feb. 9, 2024